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Tymecard: Chapter 7

I was going to be happy to report we were getting ready to "blast off" into the wormhole to arrive in the kingdom by supper time.....but....when our transport got out into the wormhole stream, the wormhole "burped", or something, and we shot off on quite a ride.....we felt like clothes in a dryer!

We were shot out the end of the wormhole - all aboard hoping we would end up near the kingdom. But, alas, our adventure continues - we have no idea where we are....the only way we have been able to send any messages out is by constructing a "flag" out of the Tymecard we brought on board while stuck in the wormhole. It appears to let us communicate to some extent with our home world on a one way basis, we can send but we can't least we hope you are getting our messages.

We appear to have arrived in a solar system with very colorful exotic-looking planets. We are going to make an attempt to get to one of the nearest ones and hope there will be signs of life there. Wish us well - our saga continues.............. <<...>>

Tymecards are due Friday by 3:00. As you know, you will not be paid in money and you are responsible for your own life benefits